ICIS-17 Proceedings:
Invited papers are published electronically in a Special Topic of Review of Scientific Instruments: https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/1.5038775
Contributed papers are published online and access will be available in perpetuity via the link: http://aip.scitation.org/toc/apc/2011/1
The 17th International Conference on Ion Sources, organized by CERN, will take place from Sunday October 15 to Friday October 20, 2017 at CERN and Geneva’s “Centre International de Conference” (CICG).
This bi-yearly conference is held in Asia, America and Europe, it provides an international forum to share information and present advances and innovation on all types of ion sources. We aim to foster synergies, promote stimulating discussions, new collaborations, and welcome participation of students and experienced researchers.
Recent conferences in this series have been held in New York, USA (2015), Chiba, Japan (2013), Giardini Naxos, Italy (2011), Gatlinburg, TN, USA (2009), Jeju, Korea (2007) and Caen, France (2005).
The scientific program will cover aspects of ion source science, relevant to the production of beams for scientific research, production of energy, industry and medical applications:
- Fundamental processes in ion sources, plasma
- Production of high intensity ion beams
- Production of highly charged ion beams
- Negative ion sources
- Ion sources for fusion
- Polarized ion sources
- Radioactive ion beams and charge breeders
- Beam formation, extraction, transport, and diagnostics
- Industrial and medical application of ion sources
- Other related technologies

The Scientific Program of the conference will consist of invited talks and contributed oral presentations or posters. Papers submitted to the conference will be refereed and the conference proceedings will be published.
Participants of ICIS 2017 will include representatives of institutions and companies involved in the design, construction or use of ion sources. Companies interested in promoting their products are encouraged to hold a booth in the industrial exhibit and to apply for sponsorship.
Details on the program, registration, abstract submission, vendor participation, and hotel accommodations are being prepared and will be available on this site.
For questions about ICIS 2017, please feel free to contact the Conference’s administration admin.icis17@cern.ch.
I look forward to welcoming you to Geneva.
Jacques Lettry
Chair, ICIS 2017