Young scientist award
ICIS2017 and Medicis Promed are strong supporters of young scientists and researchers.As part of our commitment, we have instituted a prize of excellence for outstanding contributions to the conference.
The following prizes will be awarded:
- 1 prize of the amount of 1000 CHF for the best oral/poster presentation.
Postdocs with a maximum experience of 3 years (after PhD graduation) will be eligible to participate. - 2 prizes of the amount of 500 CHF each for the best poster presentations
Only PhD students will be eligible to participate.
The Young Scientist Award committee is composed of members of the Scientific Program Committee (SPC) and Local Organizing Committee (LOC).
PhD students or postdocs will be eligible for the Young Scientist Award. The contributions will be reviewed based on the novelty of research and the quality of presentation (clarity of explanation, quality of poster/slides/media, content)
All prizes will be awarded on Thursday, Oct. 19th at the end of the plenary session.
Oral presentation
PhD students or postdocs selected to give an oral presentation at the conference, will be eligible for the Young Scientist Award. The oral presentations will be reviewed based on the novelty of research and the quality of presentation (clarity of explanation, quality of slides/media, content)
Nominated PhD students will be considered for the Young Scientist Award (poster). The committee will review the posters and select the two best contributions based on the novelty of the research, poster’s esthetics and poster’s explanation by the participant.
All prizes will be awarded on Friday, Oct. 20th at the end of the plenary session.