Poster Floor Map
Monday 16 October
Fundamental Processes:
Mo_01 |
D. Fu |
Metal plasma formation for Duhocamis |
Mo_02 |
M. Cavenago |
Towards kinetic models of electron transport in negative ion source |
Mo_03 |
W. Wu |
Emission Spectroscopy Diagnostics of Quartz-chamber 2.45 GHz ECR Ion Source at Peking University |
Mo_04 |
I. Izotov |
Broadband microwave emission and electron losses associated with kinetic instabilities in ECR Plasmas |
Mo_05 |
Y. Kato |
4.0-6.0 GHz Extraordinary mode experiments on 2.45 GHz Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source |
Mo_06 |
Y. Saito |
Investigation of Laser Ablation Plasma from Thin Graphite Target |
Mo_07 |
I. Yamada |
Development of a Compact Molecular Hydrogen Ion Source for Low Energy Surface Scattering Experiments |
Mo_08 |
T. Shibata |
Comparison of photometry measurement and numerical analysis for plasma density oscillation with doubled value of RF frequency in J-PARC RF ion source |
Mo_09 |
R. Endo |
Production of Hydrogen Negative Ions in high density Sheet Plasma. |
Mo_10 |
R. Racz |
Radial and azimuthal dependence of plasma parameters in a hexapole-trapped ECR discharge |
Mo_11 |
Y. Matsumoto |
Study of low-energy electron transport at extraction region in hydrogen negative ion source with an additional electrons source |
Mo_12 |
K. Hamada |
Enhanced Production of Electron Cyclotron Resonance Plasma by Positioning Plate-Tuner |
Mo_13 |
G.M. Saquilayan |
Production of Oxygen Ions through the Laser Ablation of Alumina |
Mo_14 |
I.N. Ocampo |
Ar/O2 Plasma Treatment of Cotton Fabric via Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet |
Mo_15 |
G. Torrisi |
Non-conventional microwave coupling of RF power in ECRIS plasmas |
Mo_16 |
V. Skalyga |
Microwave emission from ECR plasmas under conditions of two-frequency heating induced by kinetic instabilities. |
Mo_17 |
J. Smith |
Towards better modelling of surface emission in caesiated materials |
Mo_18 |
A. Galata |
Status and perspectives of INFN simulation tools: from beam-plasma interaction to a self-consistent plasma-target modelling |
Production of High Intensity Ion Beams:
Mo_19 |
V. Dudnikov |
RF positive ion source with solenoidal magnetic field |
Mo_20 |
J. Cao |
The influence of Magnetic field on the ion beam current and beam oscillation of Calutron ion source |
Mo_21 |
D. Winklehner |
Commissioning results of the Multicusp Ion Source at MIT (MIST-1) for H2+ |
Mo_22 |
D. Sivin |
Low Energy, High-Intensity Repetitively Pulsed Ion Beams Generation |
Mo_23 |
V. Skalyga |
Proton beam formation from an ECR discharge in a single coil field |
Mo_24 |
I. Izotov |
Study of plasma parameters in a CW gasdynamic ECRIS |
Mo_25 |
I. Draganic |
Hot Filament Performance Simulation in a Freeman Ion Source |
Mo_26 |
Sh. Ikeda |
Development of a laser ion source for a four-beam IH-RFQ linac |
Mo_27 |
Hu. Zhao |
Proton production by a laser ion source with hydride targets |
Mo_28 |
G. Yushkov |
Multiply Charged Ion Source Based on High Current Short Pulse Duration Vacuum Arc |
Mo_29 |
A. Shevelev |
Formation of highintensity, macroparticlefree aluminum ion beams |
Mo_30 |
R. Berezov |
High intensity proton injector for the FAIR P-LINAC |
Mo_31 |
Golubev |
Point-like neutron source based on a gasdynamic high-current ECRIS |
Mo_32 |
J. Hasegawa |
Control of a laser-produced dense plasma flow by a divergent magnetic field |
Mo_33 |
Y. Iwashita |
Compact H+ ECR Ion Source with Pulse Gas Valve |
Mo_34 |
M. Okamura |
Low charge state laser ion source driven by a sub nanosecond laser |
Mo_35 |
Kashiwagi |
Laser plasma generation system with controlled interpulse delay between two laser shots |
Mo_36 |
T. Wang |
Stability and lifetime of scandium deuteride film cathode in a vacuum arc ion source |
Mo_37 |
S. T. Stegemann |
Production of high intensity 11C beams for PET-aided hadron therapy |
Mo_38 |
A. Adonin |
Increasing of the operation duty cycle for heavy elements such as Au, Pb, Bi and U from high current ion sources |
Mo_39 |
S. Golubev |
Status of a new 28 GHz CW gasdynamic ECR ion source development at IAP RAS |
Mo_40 |
N. Kumar |
A compact 2.45 GHz microwave ion source and associated Wien filter based analyzing system for low energy ion beam facility |
Mo_41 |
M. Schmidt |
The LIPSION Upgrade: High Quality Ion Nano-Beams |
Production of Highly Charged Ion Beams:
Mo_42 |
W. Lu |
Conceptual design of a quench protection system for a MARS magnet |
Mo_43 |
J. Zhang |
Preliminary Design of a Hybrid Ion Source for 7Li3+ Generation |
Mo_44 |
M. Breitenfeldt |
MEDeGUN commissioning results |
Mo_45 |
X. Jin |
The Hybrid Electromagnetic Simulation of Ionization Characteristics in ECR Ion Source |
Mo_46 |
T. Suzuki |
Development of a new compact ECR ion source with all permanent magnets for carbon 5+ production |
Mo_47 |
T. Kalvas |
Status of new 18 GHz ECRIS HIISI |
Mo_49 |
R. Thomae |
Production of high intensity Nickel-ion beams with high isotopic purity with the Metal Ion from Volatile Compound (MIVOC) method |
Mo_50 |
V. Toivanen |
Upgrade of the GTS Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source at GANIL |
Mo_51 |
Y. Kim |
Low field experiments with 18GHz RF power of the RAON ECR ion source |
Mo_52 |
S. Lee |
Characterization of EBIS test bench at KOMAC |
Mo_53 |
M. Sakieldien |
Investigation into the gas mixing effect in ECRIS plasma using K diagnostics |
Mo_54 |
M. Sakieldien |
Studying the double-frequency heating mode in ECRIS plasma using K diagnostics |
Mo_55 |
D. Neben |
Plasma Response to Amplitude and Frequency Modulation of the Microwave Power on a 14 GHz Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source |
Mo_56 |
T.K.T. Kovener |
Study of the Micro Oven for the Linac3 ECR Ion Source at CERN |
Mo_57 |
B. Lee |
The current status of 28GHz ECR ion source at KBSI |
Mo_58 |
R. Kronholm |
The effect of ECRIS tuning parameters on the intensity of the Ar9+ optical emission and ion beam current |
Mo_59 |
A. Losev |
Characteristics of a heavy ion injector Z/A1/3 based on laser-plasma ion source |
Mo_60 |
A. Eframov |
The preliminary tests of the high charge state all-permanent magnet ECR ion source DECRIS-PM |
Mo_61 |
A. Eframov |
Upgrading of the CAPRICE type ECR ion source |
Mo_62 |
H. Kremers |
Intense, pure and stable highly charged ion beams from the AECR ion source at KVI-CART. |
Mo_63 |
M. Lee |
A study on the dielectric design of high voltage platform for developing 28 GHz ECRIS at KBSI |
Mo_64 |
F. Maimone |
Operation of a double frequency heated ECRIS in cw and pulsed mode |
Mo_66 |
T. Thuillier |
Effect of the plasma chamber radius on the high charge state production in an ECR Ion Source |
Mo_67 |
P. Salou |
PKGANESA: an ECRIS for testing the axisymetric magnetic structure for the production of multicharged ion beams |
Mo_68 |
L. Sun |
Technical Approaches towards Intense High Charge State Ion Beam Production with Superconducting ECR Ion Sources |
Mo_69 |
T. Nakagawa |
Recent developemt of RIKEN 28 GHz SC-ECRIS |
Mo_70 |
G. Rodrigues |
The effect of frequency tuning in the 10 GHz NANOGAN ECR ion source |
Mo_71 |
G. Castro |
Commissioning of the AISHA Ion Source |
Mo_72 |
A. Boytsov |
Main Magnetic Focus Ion Source for ionization of L- and M-shell electrons of heavy elements |
Mo_73 |
M. Salahshoor |
2D Axisymmetric Simulation of an ECR Argon Plasma |
Negative Ion Sources:
Mo_74 |
V. Dudnikov |
Negative ion radio frequency surface plasma source with solenoidal magnetic field |
Mo_75 |
V. Dudnikov |
Efficient method for Cold Muonium Negative Ion Production |
Mo_76 |
M. Bacal |
Negative Ion Source Operation with Deuterium |
Mo_77 |
V. Dudnikov |
Carbon Film in Radio Frequency Surface Plasma Sources with cesiation |
Mo_78 |
M. Cavenago |
Extraction of many H- beamlets from uncesiated ion source NIO1 |
Mo_80 |
P. Zhao |
Numerical simulation of electromagnetic fields and impedance of an RF based negative ion source at HUST |
Mo_81 |
Y. Shimabukuro |
Contribution of atomic hydrogen flux on H- ion beam extracted from a negative hydrogen ion source |
Tuesday 17 October
Negative Ion Sources:
Tu_01 |
R. Friedl |
Work function of caesiated and Cs-free materials for enhanced H- surface production |
Tu_02 |
I. Draganic |
Recent Results in Modeling of LANSCE H- Surface Convertor Ion Source |
Tu_03 |
P. Veltri |
Langmuir probe characterization of the NIO1 ion source plasma |
Tu_04 |
K. Miyamoto |
Numerical analysis of negative hydrogen ion beam optics by using 3D3V PIC simulation |
Tu_05 |
M. Brombin |
System for voltage control and for data acquisition of Retarding Field Energy Analyzer |
Tu_06 |
K. Nishida |
Numerical Analysis of Ion Dynamics in RF ICP Discharge |
Tu_07 |
S. Masaki |
Diagnostics of Ta Deposited Plasma Electrode for Negative Hydrogen Ion Production with DC Laser Photodetachment Method |
Tu_08 |
S. Ishihara |
Development of cesium-free negative ion source by using high density sheet plasma |
Tu_09 |
S. Fujita |
The Effect of Transport and Extraction of Inhomogeneous Surface Produced H- in Large Multi-Aperture Negative Ion Sources |
Tu_10 |
S. Yamada |
Numerical Simulation of the EEDF and the Neutral Transport in the DC Arc-discharge Hydrogen Negative Ion Source for Medical Use |
Tu_11 |
K. Shinto |
Present status of the J-PARC cesiated rf-driven H- ion source |
Tu_12 |
W. Kobayashi |
Development of the Plasma Impedance Prediction Model in Radio Frequency Negative Ion Sources |
Tu_13 |
K. Yamada |
Development of an electron attachment type negative fullerene ion source |
Tu_14 |
A. Sanin |
Long-term performance of CW negative hydrogen ion source at BINP tandem accelerator |
Tu_15 |
S. Liu |
The improvement of CSNS ion source |
Tu_16 |
I. Morgal |
First experimental results of the helicon driver on Cybele |
Tu_17 |
T. Zhang |
Performance of PKU H- Source with Liners of Different Materials |
Tu_18 |
S. Lätti |
Parametric dependence of hydrogen plasma Lyman-band emission and H- ion beam intensity in LIISA ion source |
Tu_19 |
T. Matlocha |
Modification of a classical PIG ion source for sub-femtoampere beams at the U-120M cyclotron |
Tu_20 |
C. Baltador |
Effect of filter field and biased double-Bias Plate on volume process in negative ion sources |
Tu_21 |
W. Chen |
Construction of External Antenna RF H-minus Source in CSNS |
Tu_23 |
S. Averkin |
Global Model of a Negative Hydrogen Ion Source with Caesiated Plasma Grid |
Tu_24 |
B. Han |
Optimization of the Cesiation Process for the SNS H- Ion Sources |
Tu_25 |
M. Stockli |
Record Performance of the Spallation Neutron Source H- Injector |
Tu_26 |
H. Nakano |
Response of negative-ion beamlet by insulation tip in the vicinity of plasma grid |
Tu_27 |
D. Faircloth |
Scaled Penning Source Developments |
Tu_29 |
D. Steski |
Production of Ruthenium-96 Ions for RHIC* |
Tu_30 |
D. Kleinjan |
Diagnostics and Improvements for the LANSCE H- Ion Source |
Tu_31 |
S. Melanson |
Improvements to 13.56 MHz RF Powered H− Ion Source |
Ion Sources for Fusion:
Tu_32 |
M. Cavenago |
Advanced filter structures for NIO1 and other negative ion sources |
Tu_33 |
V. Variale |
Beam Energy Recovery for Fusion: Secondary Electrons Problem study and Experimental Tests |
Tu_34 |
Y. Xie |
R&D of radio frequency ion source for neutral beam injector in ASIPP |
Tu_35 |
Y. Xie |
Status of arc based high power ion source for EAST neutral beam injector |
Tu_36 |
M. Kisaki |
Effect of plasma grid bias on negative ion beam optics |
Tu_37 |
S. Popov |
Experimental realization of non-resonant photon neutralizer for negative ion beams. Concept of neutralizer for big NBI systems |
Tu_38 |
G. Fubiani |
Modelling of Negative Ion Extraction from a Magnetized Plasma Source |
Tu_39 |
R. Friedl |
Laboratory experiments for developments in view of DEMO NNBI |
Tu_40 |
V. Davydenko |
Development of helium ion source for NPA system in ITER |
Tu_41 |
B. Schunke |
Update on the Negative Ion Based Neutral Beam Injectors for ITER |
Tu_42 |
P. Jain |
Power transfer efficiency in inductively coupled radio-frequency ion source: case study for the NIO1 |
Tu_43 |
T. Karino |
Plasma instability due to solenoid magnetic field |
Tu_44 |
P. Deichuli |
Upgrade of the low energy, high power neutral beam system |
Tu_45 |
C.J. Xie |
Experimental study of matching network with different frequency for RF ion source |
Tu_46 |
G. Chitarin |
Benchmark of 3D multi-beamlet numerical models for the optics design of negative ion accelerators |
Tu_47 |
A. Eshkevar Vakili |
Conceptual design of an ion source for the DAMAVAND Neutral Beam Injection |
Tu_48 |
M. Ichikawa |
High power and long pulse negative ion production by suppressing of arcing for JT-60SA |
Tu_49 |
J. Wei |
Design study of 200keV H- accelerator for CFETR neutral beam test facility |
Tu_50 |
J. Hiratsuka |
Experimental validation of grid heat loadings in the five-stage accelerator with the ITER-relevant gap lengths |
Tu_51 |
F. Bonomo |
Overview of the Beam Physics Investigation at the ELISE test facility |
Tu_52 |
J. Wei |
Commissioning and first results of the ASIPP RF-driven negative ion source |
Tu_53 |
J. Wei |
Distributions of primary-electron populations in different magnetic filter configurations |
Tu_54 |
G. Serianni |
Numerical investigation of the early operational phase of the negative ion test facility SPIDER: beam features and diagnostics |
Tu_55 |
K. Lee |
Development of High current density Helicon ion source for DNB in VEST |
Tu_56 |
M. Kisaki |
Study of isotope effects in hydrogen negative ion sources |
Tu_57 |
H. Nakano |
Comparison of beam to arc discharge current ratio between hydrogen and deuterium operations in LHD-NBI ion sources |
Tu_58 |
N. Ippolito |
Particle model of the Driver of the negative ion source for ITER neutral beam injection system |
Tu_59 |
A. Dunaevsky |
Neutral Beam Injection System for the C-2W Field Reversed Configuration Experiment |
Tu_60 |
M. Fadone |
Alternative New Concept of an Efficient Negative Ion Source for Neutral Beams |
Radioactive Ion Beams, Charge Breeders and Polarized Beams:
Tu_61 |
V. Mironov |
Simulation of charge-breeding processes in ECRIS |
Tu_62 |
B. Cui |
A prototype target-ion source for RIB production in a reactor |
Tu_63 |
R. Heinke |
Towards Direct High-Resolution Laser Spectroscopy on Exotic Isotopes at Hot Cavity Ion Sources: Crossed Laser - Atom Beam Interaction in the Laser Ion Source Trap LIST |
Tu_64 |
T. Karino |
Investigate the characteristics of oxide of ^{96}Zr |
Tu_65 |
J. Angot |
Recent improvements of the LPSC Charge Breeder |
Tu_66 |
O. Tarvainen |
The effect of plasma instabilities on the background impurities in charge breeder ECRIS |
Tu_67 |
L. Maunoury |
Charge breeding technique at GANIL: commissioning of the SPIRAL1 charge breeder and new 1+/n+ test bench |
Tu_68 |
K. Chrysalidis |
Laser Ion Source for High Resolution Doppler-Free Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy of Radioisotopes and Enhanced Isomer Selectivity |
Tu_69 |
Shu. Ikeda |
Electron and Ion Beam Simulations for the BNL Extended EBIS at Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Tu_70 |
N. K. N. Bidault |
Slow Extraction of charged ion pulses from the REX-EBIS |
Tu_71 |
F. Ames |
The CANREB Project for Charge State Breeding at TRIUMF |
Tu_72 |
Y. Liu |
Resonant Ionization of Atomic Te with Ti:Sapphire Lasers* |
Tu_73 |
C. Dickerson |
Effects of the CARIBU EBIS trap configuration on extracted ion beam characteristics |
Tu_74 |
J. Pitters |
Charge breeding of CO+ beams at REX-ISOLDE |
Tu_75 |
M. Segal |
Towards Ga+ and Au+ ion injection into ESIS: Mock-setup experiments and ion beam profiling. |
Tu_76 |
F. Papadakis |
Status and development of the MARA low-energy branch |
Tu_77 |
B. Tang |
The first radioactive ion beam at the Beijing Radioactive Ion-beam Facility |
Tu_79 |
J. Ballof |
Ion sources for new radioactive refractory element beams at CERN-ISOLDE |
Tu_80 |
D. Leimbach |
Development of an off-line negative ion source for the characterization of the photodetachment detector GANDALPH |
Tu_81 |
N. Lecesne |
REGLIS3 at S3 for the production of high purity refractory RIBs |
Tu_84 |
K. Rijpstra |
Ion Source Development for ISOL @ MYRRHA |
Beam extraction, transport and diagnostics:
Tu_82 |
S. Kondrashev |
Isotope Separator for External Ion Injection into EBIS |
Tu_83 |
N. Mamedov |
Comparison of the ion beam profile measuring methods |
Tu_85 |
P. Creemers |
First Simulations of RIB extraction in the ISOL @ MYRRHA Target Module |
Wednesday 18 October
Beam extraction, transport and diagnostics:
We_01 |
H. J. You |
Downsizing study of SMASHI LEBT for higher beam transmission efficiency |
We_02 |
A. Goncharov |
Advances in development new generation plasma-optical systems |
We_03 |
Design of the beam extraction and transport system for FECR |
We_04 |
V. Mironov |
On optical properties of ion beams extracted from Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source |
We_05 |
Q. WU |
Status of high intensity low energy injector for Jinping Underground Nuclear Astrophysics experiments |
We_06 |
H. Barminova |
CAMFT code for ion bunch dynamics simulation in external fields with parallel computing |
We_07 |
Y. Xu |
Design of a long pulse beam diagnostic calorimeter for the prototype RF-driven negative ion source for neutral beam injection application |
We_09 |
A. Kolmogorov |
Effective transportation of negative hydrogen ions in a synthesized hydrogen beam |
We_10 |
A. Deka |
Spectral Modelling of Neutral Beam for Doppler Shift Spectroscopy Diagnostics of INTF |
We_11 |
M. Barbisan |
Beam characterization by means of emission spectroscopy in the NIO1 experiment |
We_12 |
L. Bellan |
Self-consistent potential in high intensity deuteron beams simulations and measurements |
We_13 |
H. Sakakita |
Ion Velocity Components and Space Potential Measurements on a Spontaneous-Focusing State of High-Current-Density and Low-Energy Ion Beam by Using Double Electrostatic Probes |
We_14 |
L. Weissman |
Beam optics effects at the entrance to the SARAF RFQ |
We_15 |
Y. Ishii |
Development of a Prototype of PIG Ion Source with Electric Magnets for a Compact Ion Microbeam System |
We_16 |
K. Shinto |
Observation of beam current fluctuation extracted from an rf-driven H- ion source |
We_17 |
S. Nishioka |
Integrated modeling of the beam formation and extraction in the Linac4 hydrogen negative ion source |
We_18 |
K. Yoshioka |
Extraction of an Aluminum-Nitride Ion Beam from a Planar Magnetron Sputter type Ion Source |
We_19 |
Y. Imamura |
Development of a Carbon Cluster Ion Source with a Hollow Cathode |
We_20 |
S. Abe |
Analysis of the H- Extraction in the Linac4 Negative Ion Source by 2.5D Particle Simulation |
We_21 |
B. Cheymol |
Performance and first data analysis of the ESS emittance measurement unit |
We_22 |
A. G. Cuevas |
Ion beam and discharge characteristics of a multi-cusp ion source with various magnetic field configurations |
We_23 |
F. Maimone |
Particle dynamic simulations of the GSI test injector facility HOSTI |
We_24 |
O. Midttun |
Measurements and simulations of the beam extraction from the ESS proton source |
We_25 |
A. Pimazzoni |
Modeling of beam acceleration for the negative ion source NIO1 |
We_26 |
Mc G. K. Ramos |
Simulation of Low-energy Ion Beam Trajectories from a Thin Wire Mesh Electrode Configuration |
We_27 |
M. Lee |
Design and fabrication of a beam dump at KBSI heavy ion facility |
We_28 |
P. Fedin |
Al and W ion beams from MEVVA ion source material radiation resistance |
We_29 |
G. Serianni |
Child-Langmuir-limited current in the negative ion source NIO1 |
We_30 |
B. Lee |
The study of Wien filter for gas cluster ion source |
We_31 |
S. Andrianov |
MEVVA single aperture extraction system |
We_32 |
G. Rodrigues |
Longitudinal emittance and in-situ plasma potential measurements of ion beams from the High Temperature Superconducting ECR Ion Source, PKDELIS |
We_33 |
A. P. Tanquintic |
Two-Dimensional Spatial Distributions of Ion Flow produced from Laser-Induced Plasmas in Capillary Targets |
We_34 |
A. Pikin |
Low energy ion beam line for Twin EBIS |
We_35 |
X. Jia |
The Beam Injection Line Test of CYCIAE-100 Cycotron |
We_36 |
C. Lan |
Metal ion filtering of vacuum arc ion source through an inclined-aperture extraction grid |
We_37 |
D. Noll |
Linac4 source extraction and low energy beam transport study |
We_38 |
G. Machicoane |
Ion Source and Front End commissioning at the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams |
We_39 |
M. Salahshoor |
Effect of grids geometry on the space charge induced divergence of a multi-beamlet ion beam |
We_40 |
H. In-Seok |
Preliminary oxygen ion beam acceleration test for the RISP injector |
Applications and Related Technologies:
We_41 |
E. Oks |
Generation of pure boron plasma for ion beam formation and surface modification |
We_42 |
N. Mamedov |
Study of energy and mass-charge spectra of ions emitted by a hydrogen Penning plasma source. |
We_43 |
E. Oks |
Generation of boron ion beams by vacuum arc ion source with lanthanum hexaboride and boron carbide cathodes |
We_44 |
E. Oks |
Magnetron discharge-based boron ion source |
We_45 |
E. Oks |
A pulsed vacuum arc ion source with a pure boron cathode |
We_46 |
M. Cutroneo |
Ion beam lithography, a promising technique for patterning of graphene oxide foil |
We_47 |
N. Kamiguchi |
Development of a compact internal PIG H+ ion source for idustrial use |
We_48 |
N. Takahashi |
Development of New Electromagnets for a Microwave Ion Source |
We_49 |
Q. Ji |
Acceleration of Ion Beams using a scalable microelectronmechanical-system-based RF structures |
We_50 |
G. Chen |
The construction of the inner ion source for SC200 compact superconducting cyclotron |
We_51 |
S. Xu |
The trajectory simulation and optimization of ion source chimney for SC200 cyclotron |
We_52 |
M. Muramatsu |
Improvement of microwave injection for heavy ion production at compact ECR ion source |
We_53 |
S. Konstantinov |
ECR-source of an intense beam of low-energy hydrogen ions |
We_54 |
Q. Ji |
Interaction of Intense Pulsed Ion Beams with Matter: Fluence and Dose Rate Dependent Energy-Loss |
We_55 |
R. Delogu |
Inverse Heat Flux evaluation of diagnostic calorimeter data by neural networks |
We_56 |
Y. Kato |
Production of Nitrogen-Fullerene Compound Ion Beams on Tandem-Type Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source |
We_57 |
H. Koguchi |
Carbon pulsed evaporator for carbon plasma source |
We_58 |
A. Megia-Macias |
The Ion Source for the Commissioning of ELENA Ring |
We_59 |
K. Dockx |
A new control system for high resolution In-Gas Laser Ionization and Spectroscopy studies |
We_60 |
Y. Saito |
Production of Proton Beam with ZrH2 Pellet Target |
We_61 |
D. Satoh |
A photoconductive semiconductor switch driven ion beam injector for radiobiological experiments. |
We_62 |
D. Kim |
Development of 1 MV Electrostatic Accelerator with Compact RF Ion Source at KOMAC |
We_63 |
S. Gajjar |
Characterization of 1 MHz Solid State High Frequency Power Supply with Inductively Coupled Plasma |
We_64 |
T. Uchida |
On the formation mechanism of the formation of modified fullerenes in the two-chamber configuration of the Bio-Nano ECRIS |
We_65 |
M. Lee |
The first test of the ion implantation beamline at VIBA |
We_66 |
J. Heo |
Analysis on the Superconducting Magnet Performance for RAON 28 GHz ECR Ion Source |
We_67 |
M. Vasquez |
Electron Beam-Mediated Reduction of Silver Ions Impregnated in a Natural Zeolite Framework |
We_68 |
N. Hayashizaki |
Development of 2.45 GHz ECR proton source for compact accelerator-driven neutron source system |
We_69 |
T. Watanabe |
Wireless telegram microwave ECRIS |
We_70 |
Y. Tsuda |
Producing and Identifying Multiply Charged Fullerene Ion Beams and Their Compounds. |
We_71 |
T. Yorita |
3He beam development of 18GHz SCECR-IS for proton generator at RCNP |
We_72 |
B. Lee |
The development of proton ECRIS for boron neutron capture therapy |
We_73 |
M. Celik |
Ferromagnetic Enhanced Inductively Coupled Plasma Cathode for Thruster Ion Neutralization |
We_74 |
K. Rittenhouse |
Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Sources for Solar and Semiconductor Applications |
We_75 |
X. Bin |
The optimization of evaporative cooling magnet for LECR4 ion source |
We_76 |
C. Lihua |
Design of a 400kV high intensity accelerator facility for Jinping Underground for Nuclear Astrophysics |
We_77 |
X. Jia |
Design and Experiment Study of an Internal Cold-cathode Ion Source for the 230MeV SC Cyclotron |
We_78 |
D. Scarpa |
New calibrated evaporation oven for Time of Flight Mass Spectrometer in offline SPES laser laboratory |
We_79 |
S. Momota |
Fabrication of swelling structure on SiC surface by using multi-charged Ar beam |
We_80 |
S. Rothe |
A test stand for the development of ion sources at CERN-ISOLDE |
We_81 |
M. Tanaka |
Development of a large RF bucket ion source for large area ion beam milling processes to fabricate micro-structures |
We_82 |
V. Gadelshin |
MELISSA: the MEDICIS Laser Ion Source Setup At CERN |
We_83 |
J. Pitters |
Source Commissioning for Carbon Ion Treatment Beams at MedAustron |
We_84 |
M. Schmidt |
EBIS-Based HCI Micro-Beams |